Senior night against Blue Devils
October 12, 2020

The first home football game commenced on Friday, October 2nd. Although the Rough Riders took a loss, the night was one for the seniors to remember.
Band senior Kaylie Loughry says, “Although it wasn’t like normal years, I still greatly appreciated having a senior night. It’s something I have looked forward to since I was a freshman, so finally being able to be in the moment was a great feeling.”
The largest concern when it came to the game was social distancing and following the COVID guidelines. Although the restrictions are tough, Kent followed them outstandingly. The OHSAA official at the game told Dr. Roebke that the band did an excellent job with social distancing. The refs also complimented the student’s ability to maintain distance.
Despite Kent’s loss, they held up a fight for the entirety of it.
However, this did not get senior football player Jeremiah Jones down.
He says, “With all the struggles we as a team went through in order to have this year’s season made me more grateful to have a senior night or even a game in that matter.”
“The game (senior night) felt very special, like no other and it felt like I was playing for the team, the families, and the city of Kent,” Jones says.
No matter how much we lose by, we were winners in even being able to have a football game.
Go Rough Riders! Stay determined, safe, and healthy!