A game for the girls: Powder Puff is back
September 10, 2021
Student Council is holding their annual Powder Puff football tournament on Sunday, September 19th at 7:00 P.M.
Girls can showcase their skills on the brand new stadium turf and win bragging rights for their graduating class.
Only girls can play, but four boys per class can sign up to be coaches. Powder Puff is a class competition and has been a tradition for many years. The first games are the seniors vs. the freshmen, followed by a juniors vs. sophomores game. Then there is a second round where the winners and losers play each other.
One of the best things about Powder Puff is working as a team. “One thing I like about Powder Puff is the energy right before we start playing,” said senior Mallory Moldvay, a former Powder Puff player. “The team comes together. We put on war paint, chant, laugh, and get into a very determined mindset to win.”
“I did it my sophomore year,” added senior Sami Baron. “It was very relaxed, and it was fun to be coached by my classmates. My class didn’t win that year but I have high hopes for this year!” She has already signed up for this year’s Powder Puff and encourages others to do the same.
To participate, students need to turn in a $15 payment and a completed sign-up form, which can be found in the activities office. The money is used to pay for everyone’s class color t-shirts. All sign-ups need to be given to Mrs. Larkin in room 172 by Wednesday, September 15th.